2020 was a year like no other. We’re fortunate to have been able to continue meeting our mission of supporting the launch, growth, stabilization, and long-term success of business enterprises in Mesa County and the surrounding region.

About Our 2020 Annual Report

Our 2020 Annual Report highlights each of our seven program’s key accomplishments along with some fun facts sprinkled throughout. The report is interactive so make sure to hover over or click on the various charts and graphs. Or view the PDF here.

About the Business Incubator Center

The Business Incubator Center (BIC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that for more than a quarter century has been supporting the launch, growth, stabilization, and long-term success of business enterprises in Mesa County and the surrounding region. Our goal is to stimulate the local economy and retain/create the greatest number of sustainable jobs possible.

  • Founded in 1987 as part of initiatives to diversify the economy after the 1982 economic bust, BIC was funded with a $75,000 grant from the department of local affairs.
  • The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) opened an office at BIC in 1993 to provide classes, workshops, and business coaching.
  • BIC moved to its current 46 acre location in 1999, increasing total square footage to 60,000 square feet, with over 35,000 square feet of mixed use space available for lease to tenant clients of BIC.
  • BIC is 75 percent self-funded. Income is generated through a variety of sources, including tenant rent and program fees, low-cost workshops and classes, Business Loan Fund interest, Enterprise Zone administrative fees, and property management fees for a Department of Energy facility located on the campus.
  • BIC also receives grants from city, county, state and federal government entities, and sponsorships from local banks, corporate entities, service clubs, and private donors.

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