Business Name: Armando Tacos

Owner Name: Armando Torres

What does your business do?

Our business provides the Grand Valley with the authentic flavor of Mexico. A unique flare of spices and love from our hands to yours.

What inspired you to start this business?

I missed my daughter’s toddler years always being away from home working in the oil field. With the ups and downs of the oil prices I never knew when I was going to have a job, so I needed something stable and to make up for lost time with my family.

Tell us a little about yourself.

I love Tacos! “Love what you do and you’ll never have to work a day in your life” is a motto I live by. Our days on earth aren’t guaranteed so I’ve learned to be humble, compassionate and to love everyone that surrounds me.

What does a typical day look like for your business?
Sizziling steaks on the grille, chopping up produce, and making fresh tortillas is our daily routine. Serving a delicious and satisfying meal to our customers is our top priority.

What brought you to the Business Incubator?

Mesa County Health Department lead me towards the right direction to get my business started. It made our process a lot faster and helped to bridge gaps as we were getting ready to launch our business.

How can people get in touch with you?

Facebook: @armandotacosGJ
lnstagram: @armandotacosllc

About the Commercial Kitchen Program

Since 2002, the Business Incubator Center’s Commercial Kitchen Program has assisted more than 100 culinary professionals realize their dream. By providing a low-cost, full-service kitchen space, we eliminate the need for small businesses to take on the debt of purchasing expensive equipment or signing a long-term lease. Instead, culinary entrepreneurs can focus on building a sustainable and profitable business.

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