Coffee Club
We start at 9 am brewing issues that pertain to small businesses from their respective perspective. Joining FWorks and the Business Incubator Center in December are the Executive Director of the Fruita Area Chamber of Commerce, Kayla Bowers, and the Assistant City Manager of Fruita, Shannon Vassen.
Kayla Bowers will provide FACC updates and key milestones from the past year. Shannon Vassen will provide updates on developments and initiatives from the City of Fruita along with providing insights into community progress and local projects.
Kayla and Shannon look forward to having a cup with you on Friday, December 20th at 9 am…We’ll be in our conference room adjoining the FWorks co-working space on the 2nd floor.
Coffee Club at F*works and the Fruita Chamber aim to provide benefit professionally to small businesses and connection to the community. Networking with Coffee Club mixes businesses looking to discuss their small business experience and provide informative subjects of interest to the local small business community, beyond just spreading the word about their business.