Leading Edge™
LEADING EDGE™ is a 12-week course (class meets once per week) designed to teach you how to start and/or grow a successful business based on an actionable business plan.
The program is a combination of in-classroom sessions, interactive learning exercises, and conversations with subject experts. By the end of the course, you will understand the aspects of running a business, have a written business plan or strategy, and test your model for financial viability.
Who can participate?
Any entrepreneur can participate! Both owners of startup and existing businesses can benefit from LEADING EDGE™.
Historically, 60 percent of the participants come from existing businesses. The LEADING EDGE™ course provides specialized classes to address the needs of both startup and growing businesses.
Standard Fee $275 per company **Each additional employee $100 ** – If you are registering 2 or more people from the same business, please call our office at (970) 243-5242 to receive registration and pay.
Applications are required upon registration. Please fill out the application below. Once your application is complete, we will send you the link to register and pay for the course!
If you are a business bringing multiple members, please have each additional participant complete the application below.
Classes will run on Wednesday nights, August 28 – November 13.
Fee: $ 275.00
Call Business Incubator Center at 970.243.5242 to pay with a credit card, or pay in person with a credit card, check or cash.