Business: Sitto’s, LLC

Owner: Tonya Wren

What does Sitto’s do?

Sitto’s is a food trailer that provides mostly Syrian and Lebanese style Arabic food.

What inspired you to start this business?

I married into a Syrian-American family over 20 years ago and have always enjoyed the food they make to celebrate when the family gets together. Unable to find Arabic food or even Arabic grocery supplies locally, I decided to embark on a new career bringing these unique flavors to the Grand Valley. “Sitto” is what Syrians call their grandmother, and who better to share love and food with the community than grandma?

Describe a typical day for you.

Currently, it’s homeschooling my kids, taking care of the horse/chickens/hamster/yard/garden, etc. Workdays include working with fresh, healthy ingredients to produce delicious homestyle Arabic food that you can’t get anywhere else!

What brought you to the Business Incubator Commercial Kitchen Program?

I took a weekend business class at the community college and it was mentioned; it’s also the only commissary available in GJ. I am hoping to gain a network and mutual support from being a part of the program.

How can people get in touch with you?


Facebook: @SittosGJ

About the Commercial Kitchen Program

Since 2007, the Business Incubator Center’s Commercial Kitchen Program has assisted more than 350 culinary professionals realize their dream. By providing a low-cost, full-service kitchen space, we eliminate the need for small businesses to take on the debt of purchasing expensive equipment or signing a long-term lease. Instead, culinary entrepreneurs can focus on building a sustainable and profitable business.

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