The Business Incubator Center (BIC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that for more than a quarter century has been supporting the launch, growth, stabilization, and long-term success of business enterprises in Mesa County and the surrounding region.

Our goal is to stimulate and diversify the local economy to retain and create the greatest number of sustainable jobs possible.

Founded in 1986 as part of initiatives to diversify the economy after the 1982 economic bust, the BIC 47 acre campus consists of  65,000 square feet and 6 buildings: Manufacturing, Technology, Services, Commercial Kitchen, Makerspace, Training & Conferences.

At any given time, BIC has over 79 startup businesses operating on its campus and works with more than 1,000 existing small businesses and entrepreneurs in Mesa County each year. In the more than a quarter century BIC has been in existence we have graduated in excess of 1350 companies from our facility with a greater than 80% existence rate after 5 years, helped launch nearly 1600 companies which generated more than $357 million in direct revenues, created/retained over 10,000 jobs, made over 360 loans, leveraged more than $75 million in capital, and as administrators of the Mesa County Enterprise Zone, issued more than 15000 certifications resulting in millions of dollars in tax credits and tens of millions of capital investments, as well as averaging nearly $20 million in contribution projects for charitable organizations per year.

BIC was voted the International Business Incubator Association (INBIA) second place for best Business Incubator in the world (out of over 1200 worldwide) in 2023, and the Dinah Atkins Incubator of the Year/General and Special Focus in 2012/2013 (out of over 7,000 Incubators worldwide), as well as Incubator of the Year for 1995/1996 – Industrial/Service category, and is one of INBIA’s 50 Best Practices facilities.

We frequently host tours and provide “best practice” procedures for other existing or aspiring Incubators from around the world. Our success as an incubator is based on several factors: the number of companies launched through the Incubator, the amount of revenue generated by our client companies, how much funding is provided to community businesses through the Business Loan Fund of Mesa County, the number of local jobs created or retained, and the overall investment of capital in our area from our client companies.

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