Coffee Club
We start at 9a brewing issues as pertain to small business from their respective perspective. Joining F*works and the Business Incubator Center in September is Dalida Sassoon Bollig.
Growing up in Sweden, Dalida learned about the world and became passionate about international policy from an early age. Dalida and husband, with family in Western Colorado, have made the Grand Valley home. She is the CEO of the Business Incubator Center and the Riverview Technology Corporation. She exudes her enthusiasm with commitment and providing tangible opportunities bringing growth to small business in our area with new offerings from the Incubator from nonprofit business training and expansion to building economic infrastructure for new business entry to our area.
Coffee Club is a collaboration with F*works, the Business Incubator Center, and Fruita Area Chamber of Commerce. Every 3rd Friday of the month 9am – 10am in the Fruita Civic Center 325 East Aspen St on the second floor. We meet in F*works Conference Room.
Coffee Club at F*works Hopes to provide benefit professionally to small businesses and connection to the community. Networking with Coffee Club mixes businesses looking to discuss their small business experience and provide informative subjects of interest to the local small business community, beyond just spreading the word about their business.
No registration required!